Kaynes Technology Shares Price falls, after MD receives SEBI show-cause notice
The shares of Kaynes Technology India Limited were trading at ₹4,246.05 down by ₹45.30 or 1.06 per cent on the NSE today at 10.20 am.
Kaynes Technology India Limited disclosed that its Managing Director, Ramesh Kunhikannan, has received a show-cause notice from the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) dated March 10, 2025.
The notice alleges violations in the maintenance of Structured Digital Database (SDD) related to the company’s financial results for the period ended March 31, 2023, potentially contravening SEBI’s Prohibition of Insider Trading Regulations.
In a filing to both BSE and NSE, the Mysore-based company stated it is reviewing the notice and plans to take appropriate legal and procedural steps, including providing a timely response to SEBI.
“The Company, Noticee and all concerned remain committed to fully cooperating with SEBI to resolve this matter in accordance with the applicable legal and regulatory framework,” said the statement.