How Unified Investor App will help investors, in Sebi chairperson’s words | Stock Market News
India’s new Unified Investor App consolidates a wide range of investment information previously scattered across multiple sources into a single, convenient platform, Madhabi Puri Buch, chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said.
The app, jointly made by depositories CDSL and NSDL, empowers investors by giving them access to detailed insights about their portfolios—whether in shares, mutual funds or alternative investment funds (AIFs), Buch said, calling it a “game-changer.”
The app aims to level the playing field, offering individual investors the same analytical tools once exclusive to wealthy and institutional players, Buch said. The app was unveiled at an event in Mumbai.
“That is the power these apps give. So far, this privilege was available only to large investors, institutional investors,” said Buch. “The first few steps have been taken towards completely democratizing the opportunity to investor to optimize his portfolio as a whole.”
‘Source of truth’
One of the key features of the app, according to the Sebi chairperson, is its ability to provide data directly from the depositories, exchanges and clearing corporations.
Buch noted the critical importance of this direct data flow, which eliminates the opportunity for fraudulent interventions that often mislead investors. “This data is coming direct from source of truth to the hands of the investor with no opportunity for any fraudulent intervention by any person in the middle”, she said.
This, she explained, would significantly reduce the risk of market fraud, ensuring that investors have access to accurate and trustworthy information.
Informed decisions
With immediate access to comprehensive data and analysis, investors can make more informed choices about buying, selling or holding investments. Buch pointed out that this newfound clarity would help investors build more risk-adjusted portfolios, leading to improved returns.
Buch also pointed out that the app would play a crucial role in simplifying the inheritance process for investors’ heirs. “This app has the additional benefit when it consolidates everything to make transmission and inheritance in the hands of heirs of the investors extremely easy and extremely traceable”, she said.