How to close an RBL credit card? Here are 3 key ways | Mint

RBL Bank provides credit cards offering rewards and cashbacks on your favourite brands and even on daily transactions. With credit cards, you can save on your daily expenses and spend your money smartly.

However, you must understand that credit cards can be habit forming and unplanned spending can increase your financial burden and may even land you in a debt trap. If you are planning to close your RBL credit card, you can do it in three simple ways. Let’s explore

Via customer care helpline

  • You can close your RBL credit card by contacting the customer care helpline on the number: 022-62327777. If you wish to cancel BFL SuperCard you call on 022-71190900.
  • The customer care executive will then guide you through the process of cancelling your credit card.

Via branch visit

  • You can also visit your nearest RBL Bank branch to get the process done in person.
  • Carry your essential documents as well as your credit card.
  • Submit a formal letter requesting to cancel your credit card to the bank.
  • A bank representative will assist you through the entire process of cancellation.
  • You may even be asked to surrender your credit card cut diagonally.

Key factors to keep in mind before closing RBL credit card

Clear outstanding dues: Pay off all your debts including loans, EMIs and balance transfers before closing your account.

Redeem reward points: Make sure to spend your rewards points before closing the card as the reward points will lapse post closure of your credit card.

Cancel auto payments:Close all automatic payments and subscriptions from your credit card in order to avoid any last minute payments.

Credit score:Your credit score may dip temporarily after you close your credit card. However, you can increase it eventually by making timely repayments in future.

In conclusion, it is important to stay mindful of your spending habits as credit cards can make you fall for impulsive purchases. Avoid keeping too many credit cards as it may become difficult to handle which may end up being a financial constraint. Make sure that you make timely repayments of your credit card bills as this way you can not only enjoy your credit card features thoroughly but also improve your credit score gradually.

(Note: Using a credit card carries its own set of risks)

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