NTPC Q3 Results: Net profit rises 3% to ₹4,711.4 crore, revenue up 5% YoY; dividend declared | Stock Market News

State-owned power giant NTPC on Saturday reported a marginal dip in its consolidated net profit to 5,169.69 crore for the October-December quarter compared to the year-ago period due to higher tax expenses and adjustments.

The company had a consolidated net profit of 5,208.87 crore in the quarter ended on December 31, 2023, a BSE filing showed.

Total income rose to 45,597.95 crore in the third quarter from 43,574.65 crore in the same period a year ago.

Total tax expenses in the quarter increased to 2,075.12 crore from 1,361.75 crore a year ago. Similarly, net movement in regulatory deferral account balances (net of tax) was (minus) 343.09 crore in the quarter against 1436.24 crore (plus) in the same period a year ago.

Net movement in regulatory deferral account balances (net of tax) consists of exchange differences arising from settlement/translation of monetary item denominated in foreign currency to the extent recoverable from or payable to the beneficiaries in subsequent periods, deferred tax liability reversible in future periods when they become current tax and similar items which will be materialised in future considering the CERC Tariff Regulations and the requirements of Ind AS 114- ‘Regulatory deferral accounts’.

Board of Directors in its meeting on Saturday decided, inter alia, to pay second interim dividend at the rate of 25 per cent (Rs. 2.5 per share) on the face value of paid-up equity shares of 10 each for the financial year 2024-25.

The average tariff increased to 4.68 per unit in the nine month period from April to December 2024 from 4.57 per unit in the same period a year ago.

The gross generation of the firm increased to 91.25 billion units (BU) from 89.46 BU a year ago. The coal output also increased to 10.98 MMT in the quarter from 8.09 MMT.

Plant load factor or capacity utilisation of coal-based plants also increased slightly to 75.98 per cent from 75.95 per cent.

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